“What interests me is that the viewer's gaze can move around searchingly in a picture and is not held in one place. For me this means that the grid parts are of equal value and equally important, there is no figure - ground - division ... but movement. I was influenced by: e.g. Cezanne when he says that his “pictures are like a carpet in which there are no holes”. Mondrian with his boogie-woogie pictures - image of the equality of all parts as an expression of democracy. Or the writings of Kandinsky in 1912 On the Spiritual in Art and in 1926 Point and Line to Surface. ” (Kunibert Fritz)

“The number replaces the individual, themes take on the expressive function of the element” -… - “The decisive task now is to activate the systematic-logical process in such a way that a dynamic artistic formulation is created and the principles of order are classified as a means of this intention . “ (Richard Paul Lohse)

„If images are seen as carriers of signs, then constructive images also have a meaning that goes beyond the mere reproduction of form and aesthetics. Their statement is the artist's intellectual idea, a representation of order through the form, through the color and through the assignment of the (quasi) squares to each other in the sense that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.“ (Klaus Staudt)

“Constructive images are aesthetic models, are meta-figurative statements analogous to nature. Organizational principles of nature become macroscopically visible and abstracted to the essentials in the sense of a more intensive visualization. That leads away from the representation of the specific and opens the interest for the general, for the symbolic. “
(Klaus Staudt)

0+1=1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8 usw.
The Fibonacci number sequence was discovered by Leonardo da Pisa. He is considered the most important mathematician of the Middle Ages. The division of the larger number by the smaller results in the golden number and more precisely the higher the number sequence becomes. 8: 5 = 1.6 the golden number is 1.618033988 ...